What Are Your Top Five Questions About Prescription Glasses?
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If you have any sort of medical diagnosis concerning your eyesight or eye health – whether from a near-sightedness or far-sightedness diagnosis or amblyopia (lazy eye) – you know the importance of having a great-quality pair of prescription glasses. Picking the right pair for you, however, can be involved but does not have to be difficult. Since you rely on these corrective lenses to get through your daily activities from work to school to play, you need a pair that's for your specific prescription and unique needs. And, don't forget that you want to look and feel great while wearing them. Continue reading to learn more about finding spectacles prescribed just for you and some of the answers you may have regarding them. 1. What Are Prescription Glasses?A pair of glasses prescribed specifically for you is a vehicle to improve your eyesight and attempt to correct it to near-perfect vision. Prescription eyeglasses will give you the clear, sharp vision that you need to perform everyday tasks and function safely in the world around you. The lenses are updated routinely and dialed into your specifications. The lenses are expertly placed into the prescription glasses frames of your choice. Prescription eyeglasses can include the following types of lenses:
2. Is It Dangerous To Wear Your Old Prescription Glasses?The first answer to this question has nothing to do with the glasses, but instead with the overall exam itself. Seeing your optometrist or ophthalmologist routinely is necessary so a licensed professional can give you a comprehensive eye exam. The visit will determine if you have any areas of concern or risk factors for further assessment. Next, if you are constantly straining your eyes to see through an old pair of prescription lenses, you are putting undue stress on your eyes and the delicate tissue around them. This practice can lead to preventable dry eye and headaches as well as unnecessary fatigue. A lack of clear focus on daily and routine activities can occur due to the continued re-focusing of your eyes. All of this is needlessly distracting. 3. Can You Use Any Frame You Want for Prescription Glasses Frames?More than likely, the answer to this question is yes. However, there are always exceptions. If your eye care needs and prescription are more intricate, for example, then you will need to see an eye care professional in person for a fitting. If your prescription runs standard, it is an easy and seamless process for you to choose whatever frame you would like to use for your prescription lenses. Some things to look for are solid and sturdy construction as opposed to cheaply-made frames. Of course, you'll want to select a pair of frames that fits your facial structure well and feels comfortable to wear for long periods. 4. Do You Need Safety Prescription Glasses?If you're wondering what the difference is between prescription glasses and prescription safety glasses, the main feature and difference that lies between them are the lenses. By being named safety glasses, these spectacles have been designed for your safety and eye protection. There are several options to choose from when you're looking for prescription safety glasses. They range from regular glasses to sunglasses – all with the standard safety features built right into one great design. Safety glasses are uniquely designed to keep foreign objects from reaching your eye, including dust and debris. They are routinely worn on construction sites, in fields of maintenance, and anywhere you may encounter a dangerous situation. In addition, prescription safety sunglasses offer an added layer of protection via the benefit of sun protection. 5. Finally, How Do You Get Started?It's easy to order glasses prescribed just for you. The process is quick and customer service is always a click or calls away. Begin the process by following these easy steps:
Contact Bieye Today.Don't hesitate, contact our friendly staff at Bieye right away. We'll help you find the right frame and get your prescription eyeglasses ordered right away so you can see them again. We're in the business to serve you and we'll treat you like family. Go online today! |
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